Sunday, July 18, 2010

@ Sports Camp! Lyo~~

I realize that this is my 100th post for a new blog :D

Overall, sports camp this year is awesome(: The first day was disgustingly.. I don't know, I just didn't like it.. We played some interaction games and my group came in 1st :D We had to combine everything we had on our body to make a long straight line. The girls took off their hairbands, spectacles and clips. The guys took off their shirts and spectacles, but why Raimi special arhh? He took off his pants also.. and walked around with his boxers.. T.T Dinner was sucky :X Actually all the food served there are larhh :P We bathed last and after midnight! Super cold, but nice(: The guys could hear our conversation from the outside.. They so nice, waited for us and escort us. Lols! Went to fool around with Edrick, QingHong, Becky, Rachel and JunJie after that! We went to AVA room to watch a show with choir members and listened to music while chatting too(: Went to science lab there! It was damn scary and I had to hide behind Edrick and QingHong>.< Played handball, street soccer and ran 3 rounds in the school compound -.- Other runners run 1 round, we run 3 rounds.. I realize soccer is fun, but when you get hit by the football.. It sux.. I got hit 3 times in a match.. but my group did quite well larhh(: Edrick so nice, thank me for listening to his jokes & only we listen to them. Lols! He suddenly so mature :D

Should I pon school tomorrow?? Edrick and QingHong pei wo pon lehh :X Lols! headache -.-

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